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Upcoming Events

Evening with Spirit

July 19, 2024, 7pm to 9m
Join International Psychic Medium & Shamanic Healer, Candace Ouillette Gaumond for a healing & compassionate “Evening with Spirit”, where Candace will connect with, and deliver messages from, your Loved Ones beyond the veil in a gallery performance. This is an intimate evening and personally catered to a small group of attendees to ensure a comfortable and memorable evening. Light refreshments will be provided during a brief intermission. This event will be held at Spiritology by Candace, 55 Whittemore Road, Sturbridge, Ma. Entry fee for the evening’s event is $55. Attendance is limited to ensure the intimacy of Spirit connection. Registration is required. For more information, DM Spiritology by Candace on Facebook or Instagram or email Candace at

2024 dates for Evening with Spirit are 3/8/24; 7/19/24, 9/20/24 and 12/6/24

Psychic Development Circles (Online)

Circle starts January 18, 2024, 7pm to 9m
This is a weekly psychic workout to develop and strengthen your natural psychic abilities through a variety of exercises, instruction and practical experience in a non-judgmental, supportive environment. Each week offers you the opportunity to enhance your skills and develop your own, innate spiritual power and enlightenment. The Online Psychic Development Circle is held on Thursdays, from 7pm to 9pm (using Zoom format) at Spiritology by Candace.  The weekly fee for the online circle is $15. Registration is required at least 24 hours prior to the Circle.  Register by email or message Candace on Facebook or Instagram 

Psychic Development Circles (In-person)

Circle start date TBA
This is a weekly psychic workout to develop and strengthen your natural psychic abilities through a variety of exercises, instruction and practical experience in a non-judgmental, supportive environment. Each week offers you the opportunity to enhance your skills and develop your own, innate spiritual power and enlightenment. The Psychic Development Circle is held on Wednesdays, from 7pm to 9pm at Spiritology by Candace.  The weekly fee for the online circle is $20. Registration is required at least 24 hours prior to the Circle.  Register by email or message Candace on Facebook or Instagram 

Celtic Magick 101

Starts January 26, 2024
Celtic Magick is an introductory course about magick and witchcraft, focusing on a Celtic Tradition. This 8-week course will give an overview of the history and philosophy of witchcraft as well as the Celtic Wheel of the Year. The course will review the tools of a Witch, including the Witch’s altar, and techniques of magick, such as casting sacred space, working with elements and spell-work. Class participants will participate in guided meditations, wand-making, work with herbs/oils/incense, sigil magick as well as candle, cord and planetary magick. Celtic Magick will give you the tools to uncover your own inner mysteries, develop your own spiritual practice as well as methods to manifest your desires for the highest good. Course materials will include a course binder and materials for spell-crafting. The course is taught by a High Priestess in the Avalonian Celtic Tradition. The fee for the course is $175 per person; and is limited to ten people. The course will be held in person, at Spiritology by Candace, 55 Whittemore Road, Sturbridge, Ma., on Fridays, from 7pm to 9pm, on the following dates:

                     January 26, 2024
                      February 9, 2024
                      February 16, 2024
                      March 1, 2024
                      March 15, 2023
                      March 22, 2024

                      March 29, 2024
                      April 12, 2024

For more information, please contact Candace Ouillette Gaumond at

Psychic Development Course
Starts February 7, 2024

The Psychic Development Course is a nine-week-series of classes designed to provide you with a foundation to understand and develop your psychic and mediumistic skills by offering instruction, practical exercises and personal, one-on-one guidance that will help you heighten your innate, psychic, and mediumistic abilities. You will learn techniques to perceive and comprehend your psychic and mediumistic senses as well as study about your bio-energetic anatomy, including the biofield (aka aura) and chakras, which relates to the science behind why you, too, have this inborn ability.  The course will also cover technique methods and information related to meditation, clairvoyance, clairaudience, claircognizance, clairgustance, clairtangency, clairsentience, psychic symbolism, psychic communication, Spirit Guides and mediumship.  Throughout the nine-weeks, you will participate in numerous solitary, partner, and group exercises throughout the course to help strengthen and develop your psychic and mediumship abilities and self-confidence in utilizing and comprehending those skills.  The course will help expand your knowledge about yourself and the world you live in. 


The Psychic Development Course will be taught by Candace Ouillette Gaumond, owner of Spiritology by Candace, who has nearly 30 years’ experience in the metaphysical field, which includes working professionally as a psychic medium, shamanic, Reiki and sound healer, metaphysical/holistic educator and minister.  Candace is a passionate and experienced teacher, who enjoys sharing her practical knowledge, professional experience and humor to help make the course content and practical applications of that content relatable to all levels of learners.


The Psychic Development Course will be held at, and hosted by, Centered on Wellness, 563 Center Street, #2c, Ludlow, Massachusetts, on Wednesdays, from 7pm to 9pm, on the following dates: 2/7/24; 2/21/24, 3/6/24, 3/13/24, 3/27/24, 4/10/24, 4/17/24, and 4/24/24..


The cost of the course is $270.  There are two payment options: 1.) If you pay-in-full prior to the start of the course, you will receive a $20 discounted rate.  Therefore, the cost of the course is $250; or 2.) Pay $30 on a weekly basis, in-person on the day of class, except for the first day of class.  Prior to the first day of class, you must submit payment ($30) to ensure your seat is reserved.  The course is limited to 210 participants.  Payment to pay-in-full or for the first class to reserve your seat, can be made at Just scroll down the page to the Class/Circles section, you will find “Psychic Development Course” payment button options. Then follow the prompts.  Confirmation and information will be sent to the email utilized to make payment.  If this is not your preference, then please contact Candace at Spiritology by Candace directly via email (, Facebook or Instagram, text, or phone.  If you should have any questions or are looking to register for the course and need assistance, please feel free to contact Candace directly.


Uncovering the Wisdom of the Tarot


Starts May 31, 2024

Uncover the Wisdom of the Tarot with Candace Ouillette Gaumond, a Professional Tarot Reader, who has thirty years of experience. You will learn how to read for yourself, friends and others. This fun and informative, five-week class, designed for the beginner, will offer an overview, via lecture and exercise, of the Tarot’s academic meanings and methods to intuitively read the Tarot. Students will learn the hidden truth of Tarot by exploring card meanings, spreads, astrology, numerology and the Kabbalah Tree of Life. Students will also harness their intuitive skills and apply these techniques to their Tarot reading creating a more well-rounded and accurate reading. At the end of your journey in this class, you will be reading the Tarot like the pros. Class dates are: Fridays,, 5/31/24, 6/7/24, 6/14/24, 6/21/24, and 6/28/24, from 7pm to 9pm. The class will be held at Spiritology by Candace, 55 Whittemore Road, Sturbridge, Mass. The fee for the course is $300 per person; and is limited to ten people. You also have the option of paying $60 per class as opposed to paying in full up front. Tickets can be purchased at on our Services Page. For more information, please contact Candace Ouillette Gaumond via or fb messenger or Instagram.


Reiki I, II & III (ART)/Master

 All Reiki classes will be taught according to the Usui/Tibetan style Reiki.  Spiritology by Candace’s Reiki classes not only expands your knowledge o​f this proven energy-healing system but it also offers personal and spiritual healing, growth, and development in a relaxed and supportive environment.


Usui/Tibetan Reiki I & Reiki II

These classes will consist of lectures, discussions, and practical experience, which includes giving and receiving Reiki treatments, using all the level I and II Reiki symbols, as well as practicing the Japanese Reiki Techniques.


During the course, you will learn: Reiki hand positions; how to give a Reiki treatment to yourself and others, Japanese Reiki Techniques, (such as Gassho meditation, Reijiho, Byosen Scanning, Gyoshi ho, Koki ho, Kenyoku, Jacki-kiri Joka-ho,) Hayashi Healing Guide, Reiki level I & II symbols and use of these symbols for specific conditions and distant healing. You will also receive the attunement for First and/or Second Degree Reiki.


In addition to the class participation, you will receive a Reiki First and Second Degree Manual and Certificate of Completion, authenticating your obtainment of knowledge and attunement. Additionally, you will be able to become a member of the International Center for Reiki Training, which offers educational resources and latest Reiki information.

These classes will be taught on the following dates:

  • Reiki I – TBA

  • Reiki II – TBA

Reiki I and II can be taken together or separately. The rate is:


  • Reiki I - $225

  •  Reiki II-$225

  •  Reiki I and II - $425 ($25 discount if purchased together.)


Classes will be held at Spiritology by Candace, in Sturbridge, MA.


Usui/Tibetan Reiki III (ART)/Master

To be eligible to take this class a student must have taken Reiki I and II, and practiced Reiki for at least six months. Additionally, the student must be able to demonstrate that he/she can draw three Reiki symbols, by memory, from Reiki I and II.


The Usui/Tibetan Reiki III (ART)/Master class prepares and attunes students so that they can perform Reiki Sessions utilizing all the Usui/Tibetan Reiki symbols, as well as to administer all levels of Usui/Tibetan Reiki attunements and teach all levels of Usui/Tibetan Reiki up to Master level. While providing instruction on the Usui/Tibetan Reiki system, this class also offers opportunities for personal healing and mystical experiences.


These classes will consist of lectures, discussions, and practical experience, which includes practicing Usui Master Symbols, giving and receiving Reiki attunements and psychic surgery, while using all levels of Reiki symbols, including Usui Master symbols and Tibetan symbols.


During the course, you will learn advanced techniques in Reiki to resolve problems and attain goals, the use of crystals in Reiki treatments and how to make a crystal grid, advanced Reiki meditations, (such as harmonizing your chakra energy and meeting your Reiki Spirit Guides,) how to give Reiki attunements for Level I, II, III (ART) and Master, healing attunements, the values and spiritual orientation of a Reiki Master and tools to start your own Reiki business.

You also will receive the Reiki III Usui/Tibetan Master attunement. The symbols received during this attunement will enhance the strength of your Reiki energy and the effectiveness of the Reiki II symbols. You will also have plenty of time to practice all Reiki symbols.


In addition to the class, you will receive a Reiki Master Manual and Certificate of Completion, authenticating your obtainment of knowledge and attunement. Additionally, you will be able to become a member of the International Center for Reiki Training, which offers educational resources and latest Reiki information.


There is no Classes scheduled at this time.  However, when classes are announced for 2023, all classes will be held at Spiritology by Candace, in Sturbridge, MA.


The rate for this class is $1,025. A down deposit of $325, is required by 8/1/22, to hold your slot in the class. Full payment is required by 8/22/22 unless you have been authorized for a payment plan option. Payment plan option is as follows: $325 by 8/1/22; $233 by 8/22/22, $233 by 9/3/22, and $234 by 9/24/22. Please note that the Payment Plan option must be authorized by Spiritology by Candace.


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